Thursday, June 10, 2010

Essential Oils

I had a few requests about what I learned in the essential oils class.  It was pretty good. I am very new at this, so I will start with what got me interested.

I am all about drama.  I was up at a friend's home in Boise when I went to the garage to find some packed boxes.  There were a few broken down boxes in the pathway, so I picked them up to move them when a hidden wasp stung me.  I hang out with wasps in the fall, while I can apple products outside.  They never bug me.  So this was a real shocker when I got stung there.  My friend Andra heard me hollering about my owie, so she went to her essential oils box and found what I needed.  She put it on my sting and it took the pain right out--the main sting pain.  My arm still ached, but that intense sting pain was gone.  So I was sold on that right away.  I need to find out the name of the oil!

Then I had neck pains and couldn't sleep and she gave me an oil called Pretense to rub on my neck.  Slept like a baby.

The company is called doTerra.  I have a websight: if you want to explore the site and read about product and such.

Tonight I attended a seminar by a Dr. who knows the benefits of the products.  He explained a lot of stuff about fats in our body, as well as toxins.  One study they did was on swine.  They gave them krispy kreme donuts alone for 8 months straight and they got heart disease.  Imagine that!  But when they did krispy Kreme donuts with cod liver oil in the swine's diet, they didn't develop any heart disease.  So then he went into the need for fatty acids in our diets, thus the supplements that help with that.  He mentioned studies of people with depression and how after 12 months of being on the supplements they had pulled themselves out of the clinical depression they had been experiencing.  If any of you know me, I am clinically depressed.  I desire to get off meds.  I am slowly going to convert myself over to the supplements, under a dr's care.

Another product that he explained tonight was called Slim and Sassy.  It is a metabolic oil that helps with controlling appetite, as well as increasing metabolism and detoxing.  It has citrus, cinnamon, ginger and peppermint in it.  Peppermint curbs appetite, as well as reduces cravings.  Lemon and grapefruit reduces appetite and elimantes fat cells and prevents fat cell generation, as well as detoxes.  He suggested taking 6-10 drops of it in 16 oz. of water, 3 times a day.

 He also covered a detox product and skin care line.

 I personally want to invest in the oils. 
 #1: they don't ever expire!  Good for storage.  I always wonder if there is ever a disaster and medicines and such aren't available, I need this for my family.
#2: There are so many oils that can help with stress, inflammation, autonomic imbalances (nervous system).  Some are antibiotic, analgesic, antiseptic, etc...
#3: Our family has been affected by increased insurance rates and deductables, so I want to save money by applying my knowledge of oils to the specific symptoms my family experiences.  A dr. mom, if  you will.  These oils are the purest in the industry.  Ultimately they will save me money.  For example: my meds cost me $170/month.  If I am able to reduce my meds and use the oils and supplements I will save substantially.
  #4: I know they work!  Admittedly, I don't like all the smells!  Most of them, actually.  But I like how they work.

 If you have a certain problem specific to your family, I could tell you the oil to use, or I could help you to get the product you need.

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